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Looking for a Roommate or Selling your Spot.

If your looking for a roommate or selling your spot click on the button below and then post your details so people can contact you.







Don't forget to add the room type your in along with your twitter name or an email where people can contact you.



Looking for a spot to BUY Check here and contact others selling their spots.








Also if you would like the details to be put on twitter let me know and I'll retweet them for you.







*** IMPORTANT NOTE *****  


Also remember before paying any money to verfiy the person that is selling their spot is legitimate and not out to scam you.


Check the seller's Blocknation account if they have one check their Twitter account and facebook. Do they have friends?  Check they are interacting with other BHs? If someone seems odd, then don't trust it or even try to skype with them or call them if you can.  If someone is not willing to give out various forms of a way to contact them then I wouldnt be handing over money. For example if the person only gives out their email only. You want to make sure the person is a true BH and not a scammer.


You will want to know the roomtype confirmation number and cabin number also you can check by calling rose tours which you will have to do in order to put thru the name change. Ask to be added to the cabin before any money changes hands. Confirm with Rose Tours directly before you pay the individual.


Also note that the price of the cabin cannot be more than what it was orginally purchased for. You can check this on rose tours site there cabin type and price will be advertised on there. There is a $100 name change fee which either the seller pays or splits with the person buying the spot or person buying the spot pays.

If anyone wants your CC information tell them you will give it to rose tours. If you pay someone use PayPal or another trusted service. Get a receipt and use a credit card with buyer protection.


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